KiDstuf Project Generosity 09

KiDstuf has the goal of collecting 100 Beanie Babies to send to Honduras
as part of Devonshire's Project Generosity, CURE International, for November!

Here's some info about CURE International:

Mission Statement

CURE International transforms the lives of disabled children and their families in the developing world through medical and spiritual healing, serving all by establishing specialty teaching hospitals, building partnerships, and advocating for these children.

We're About Healing

CURE is passionate about the physical and spiritual healing of disabled children in developing countries. As a Christian nonprofit organization, this is our passion and the foundation of what we have been doing for ten years.

It's not an overstatement to call ourselves CURE International: we've focused our energies and resources on the 125 million children in developing countries who can be cured - and cured completely. Specifically, we're helping the kids with Hydrocephalus, Cleft Palate, Club Foot, Spina Bifida and other spinal deformities, and crippling orthopedic conditions. Seven hundred thousand children have already had their lives transformed by the touch of CURE...and their families have experienced equally miraculous transformations in their own lives.

All new, clean, and slightly used Beanie Babies are welcome!

Children can bring in their donations on either Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings
until Sunday, Nov 29!